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Requirements to serve as a Merit Badge Counselor for Citizenship in Society

  1. Register as a Merit Badge Counselor for the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge by completing an application form and submitting it

  2. Review the PowerPoint slide presentation at:

  3. Complete the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training mentioned in the PowerPoint presentation. How to become a Merit Badge Counselor


Expectations of a Merit Badge counselor for Citizenship in Society:

  1. This is a merit badge that is meant to be adult guided, not adult led.

  2. Ratios for merit badge should never exceed 5 youth to 1 counselor

  3. This merit badge should never be taught in large group settings including (but not limited to):

    • University of Scouting

    • Merit Badge Days

    • Summer Camp

    • District/Council events

  4. Parents should be encouraged to participate in any of the following ways:

    • Pre-meeting

    • During the meeting

    • In periphery roles

  5. Parents who may be concerned about who serves as a counselor for their child for this merit badge may elect to become a counselor for their Scout. They need only complete the requirements to serve as a merit badge counselor listed above.



Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Resources


How to become a Merit Badge Counselor

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